Sunday, December 7, 2008

Thanksgiving - Thanks for nothing

Howdy boys and girls, yes I know I have been away for a while, but that is a another story.
Today we are going to discuss my Thanksgiving and Disney getaway.

Although you all are thinking what a wonderful life of leisure that I live, let me tell you, it is a lot of work and it makes a body tired.
Exhausted, in fact.

Our Thanksgiving was very quiet. Cab went to his friend's house (I guess he thinks that as a legal adult, he no longer is required to spend holidays with his family. - this of course will pay off big at Christmas - can anyone say lump of coal?) and Salty and I went to the MIL's house. I offered to bring some stuff but she insisted that she would fix everything because her step daughter has dietary issues and she was going to make sure everything was ok for the step-daughter to eat.
Guess what???
The step-daughter didn't even show!!
Which means, not only did I not get to eat my favorite sweet potato souffle', but the rest of the meal was void of any sugar, carbs or flavor.
Well, not really, but you get my point.
So, it was just the MIL,S-FIL, Salty, myself and Salty's other brother, Mr. Potter. We did have a nice time visiting with Mr. Potter, he lives in a land far, far away and we don't get to see him much. It would have been nice to see Mrs. Potter, but that is a story for another blog.
Friday afternoon, we drove to Orlando to visit Salty's other brother, Lancelot. (Friday morning the flooring guy came and finished the floor in the office - we just couldn't get it done and we are damn sick of not being able to move.) Since I have been a travelling fool for that last few months, it was not really my desire to pack up again. (Especially when my house is a complete wreck and I would like to have some sort of Christmas display sometime before Christmas and really want to finish the office now that that flooring is complete. )
But Mr Potter wanted to see the other brother and we agreed to go with.....
Everyone still following along? Any questions?? Do you still even remember me??? I will be back later, we are in the midst of sanding and painting and Salty is calling my name.

Ciao for now!


  1. Welcome home Binks!!!!
    we missed you...

  2. Looks like we've both been taking a break, but I did miss ya!! :o)
    Sorry you didn't get to eat your sweet potato souffle, I love that stuff.
    Isn't it funny how people always go all out for other people that don't show up? And then the ones that actually do show up, even though they might not even want to, get the short end of the deal? lol

  3. I am glad that you are feeling better and home safely. Sorry to hear about your Thanksgiving, however, it seems to me that getting together with family (actually the spouse's family)gets more difficult each year. I heard from KRB, posted his new phone number. We had rehearsals and performances for the past 6 days and I am exhausted from working behind stage, etc. But, it was a great show and Dakota did well and had a good time. Will catch up later! Love ya :)

  4. I have missed you terribly and I understand the never-ending saga. And I vote Dec should be when we only are expected to post once a week. Anybody in?

  5. Mmmmm, Tofu and cardboard for Thanksgiving dinner. Your soo lucky.

    Where is part two?

  6. Mrs. Potter here ;) fun to hear another side of the story! Sorry I couldn't make it down to see you, maybe sometime in the spring...! happy new year...


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