Monday, November 10, 2008

bye bye crazy city of 1,000 lights (& weirdos)

Well, our vacation in Vegas is over and we are on our way home. I have over 75 items in my reader and have computer withdrawls. Can someone get me a blanket? I've got the shakes?
Talk to you guys soon!


  1. hope you won a BAZILLION dollars and did not contract any diseases.

  2. Oh man, I really can't wait to see what you brought me back. I'm so exited!!!

  3. Yea!!!! I am so excited you are coming home to us!!! I have missed you more than anyone. And I have to buy my mom a new uh, leg, which is like, uh, a million dollars. Can you loan me some bucks? I am good for it.

  4. Packing...I knew I was forgetting something :)
    Can't say we've gotten a lot of that done yet, but we don't move until Thanksgiving weekend, so that gives me a little time, right?
    Haha, thanks for stopping by my blog!! Will definitely have to put yours on my daily blog stalking list!

  5. I am so glad you are back. I read your blog more than my newspaper! I figure if anything really important happens, you will write about it. Hope you guys had a great time. How cool to meet Shelle!


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