Friday, August 22, 2008

I was working late tonight (and by working I mean catching up on my blog reading). After reading shelle's
post today, every time I thought of something, some dumb song popped into my head. (always something there to remind me)

Thanks for that Shelle. Now I can't stop! (in the name of love)

(But really, she is seriously witty and fun, you should go visit.)

It was getting ready to go home when another of those pesky Fay bands came around and slammed us. So it was pouring, and I didn't want to get wet, so I stayed longer and tried to figure out the very annoying html crap so that I could update my blog.

Then it was really late and it was almost time to pick up Cab from his first day of college, and the college is closer than my work than it is to the house, so I stayed even longer.

But he got out of class early so he called whining about where was I.
Yes, folks, college student - whining. (I guess 18 is no better than 12 because he still plays video games all day and won't clean his room.)

Remember when I told you about the mosquitos at my office? When I left the office and was locking the door, a mosquito flew right up my nose. If I wasn't so congested because of my cold, I think I might've inhaled it.

I guess some of you are wondering why I am hauling my 18 year old son around, but that is a story for another day, and it actually has nothing to do with DUI. (thank goodness)


  1. hahahaha! You're hilarious! i knew I would get someone with that post...annoying music that gets in ones head!!! Can't handle funny!

    Why do you haul your college guy around? I'm dying to know now...what is the big story? Spill the beans! loL!

  2. Just an FYI, thought about your PMO list today. It was raining here all day, thanks Fay, and my gas light was flashing so I decided to get gas before I picked up FTLK. As I pulled in, I was so tempted to park in the center, (which would have blocked both sets of tanks, however, covered me completely from the rain or any spray) but drove to the end hearing you in my head! Needless to say, I only got a little moist but no one pulled in behind me. I imagine had I stopped in the middle though, someone would have also stopped. So, maybe others who read your blog will take heed as well :)

  3. Hey I have something for you over at my blog...come over and check it out!

  4. Hey...just click on the website...scroll down and it will have a code.

    Just highlight the whole CTRL C (copy) and then go to your blog...

    Go to layout...
    Add page element...
    pick the one that has HTML on it...
    then when the window pops up press CTRL V (paste)
    Then of course save it...

    and you can move the page element wherever you would like!

    You can use that same code in your blog post...just make sure you have it clicked on "Edit HTML" not "Compose" when you paste it...and then you can go to the compose tab and continue writing on your should see the graphic also!

    Hopefully that explains it at all...good luck! :)

  5. HI! So you have a college student in your midst. My own son is way past college age and he didn't pursue that but he is smart enough that he should have. He is a very good mechanic though and does all right for himself. I wish I could see him more but he has a good life with his lady and her young son.


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I love them all.
But I will delete spam & anything I consider extremely offensive.